Duplamente premiado pelo Campeonato Brasileiro de Barista, Hugo Silva e Fernando Guerra estão à frente da Sensory Coffee Roasters, consultoria e torrefação de cafés e, desde outubro de 2020, cafeteria. Na casa onde se torram grãos para endereços como o Perseu Coffee House, provam-se as bebidas em uma agradável varanda ao ar livre.
O menu de ofertas digitais acaba de ser ampliado e não se resume a refeições. Especialidades da confeiteira Nathalia, sobremesas e pães estão agrupados no novo cardápio.
Carroll Reynolds
Highly recommended!
While visiting family on the Front Range, Samples was recommended as a great place for a healthful and tasty lunch. They were absolutely right! Great food, and excellent service from Arela, definitely made Samples a memorable spot, one we will return to the next time we're in the area. Highly recommended!
Quinn O'Hara
Not bad. Kinda expensive for what you get. Decent food. Decent service. $80+ for lunch and 4 drinks. :)
Sharon Kassulke
Never feels like a good value price-wise
Really, really good-tasting food, but never feels like a good value price-wise. Also, too many times here I've had bad/really slow service. With small kids that can get dicey, but if you're sitting and drinking with friends, not such a big deal. But still, drinks and food are on the pricier side for what you get.
Brian Stiedemann
The place was good food-wise, but back in MARCH 2018, I was there for my 27th birthday celebration and only TWO EMPLOYEES had noticed, but didn't do anything. The manager on duty the night we went in was absolutely rude, never gave us the time of day. He didn't even offer the dessert menu so we could look over it. There were 6 of us in attendance. I dealt with a small dessert from my husband when we got home, since he knew I was not happy about our experience. I dont recommend celebrating your birthday here. Go somewhere else.
Gerald Flatley
Quality seems to have gone down since last fall
Several of the best recipes were taken off of the menu or changed, and the overall quality seems to have gone down since last fall. The overall vibe of the restaurant is very nice, but it seems as though the food is nowhere near as amazing as it used to be.